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This page was set up to be interactive. I want to get a feel for people's views and opinions, so please do not hold back. Just let it rip, because you know I will. My goal is to have this page become a community of intelligent and passionate thoughts. We all have experiences in our day to day that shape our minds and our lives. Let it all out here, and leave it here. If you continue to post strong comments, and make impressions, I will give you direct posting privileges.

Monday, December 10, 2007

WTF of the Week...

What the hell is this shit? For those of us who were major GNR fans, this will make you want to shoot yourself in the face. For those of you who were major Paul McCartney fans...who the hell am I kidding - you are not on this site. Anyhow, Fergie should really stick to shaking her fine ass while singing her bubble-gum pop music, because this performance was God Awful. I was a tad confused when I saw the standing O at the end of this face blast, but then I caught a glimpse of the "live audience." This may have very well been a warm-up to Bingo night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't finish watching it, fantastically horrible...painful beyond words.