About this blog

This page was set up to be interactive. I want to get a feel for people's views and opinions, so please do not hold back. Just let it rip, because you know I will. My goal is to have this page become a community of intelligent and passionate thoughts. We all have experiences in our day to day that shape our minds and our lives. Let it all out here, and leave it here. If you continue to post strong comments, and make impressions, I will give you direct posting privileges.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

WTF of the Week

I am starting something new on the site. Every week, I am going to discuss the WTF story, person, or event, that instantaneously makes your jaw hit the floor. This week, I am going to make it very short and simple. After watching the Democratic debate, with their collection of complete misguided misfits, I realized that someone up there, really stood out like a champ. In a group that could easily be accepted as the Bad News Bears of politics, one guy would still be riding the pine - even if they couldn't field a full team. My choice for the WTF of the week -

Dennis Kucinich

Need I say anything more??


Adam Palmer said...

cool. maybe mark cubin can be his running mate.

Danielle said...

I am a strong supporter for Kucinich since he truly represents me, from his background to his stand on the issues that matter to me, war as an instrument of U.S. policy, genetically modified organisms posing as food, civil liberties, healthcare for all not health insurance being mandatory for all with copays, and deductibles sucking our family dry.

The picture you included is funny but I thank you for directing your readers to his myspace page for more information.

Much more can be found at http://www.dennis4president.com.

I think you would agree that regardless of who we endorse that decision must come from our own research and not reliance on corporate media conglomerates.

Wishing you well.

Anonymous said...


Thank you very much for adding to this post, and I can really understand why people like Kucinich. Problem is, for me at least, he is just a tad to quick to give up rights and laws that have been so bravely fought for in the past. His point of view on illegal immigrants and driver's licenses alone, is enough to scare the hell out of me. I think he is a very very nice man, and he has done/will do much good for the world we live in. However, putting too much power into the hands of a guy as utopic as this one, could have disastrous results.
