About this blog

This page was set up to be interactive. I want to get a feel for people's views and opinions, so please do not hold back. Just let it rip, because you know I will. My goal is to have this page become a community of intelligent and passionate thoughts. We all have experiences in our day to day that shape our minds and our lives. Let it all out here, and leave it here. If you continue to post strong comments, and make impressions, I will give you direct posting privileges.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kings and Queens of Promise

"We were the Kings and Queens of Promise"...this epic theme, so powerful, so pure, and for all too many of us...so true.

As I write this post, the new song by 30 Seconds to Mars by the same title of my post, continues to play on an endless loop. As I listen, the powerful emotions elicited leave me unsure to whether I should cry or conquer the world. Will I tire of it? Not sure. Nor do I really care. It will continue to play, my head will continue to move with the music, and I will continue to ponder...

Most of you reading this, know of this blog because you know me, or I consider you to be pretty fucking magical... You understand potential, you understand promise, and you understand what it means to not live up to either. The sound of the clock ticking by remains the scariest sound known to my ears, and when that fucker stops, I had better damn well done what I was put here to do.

What was I meant to do? What were you meant to do? Truth is, I am not really sure, but I think I'm getting closer with each new day and each new experience. As we age, we slide more comfortably into our destined niches, and we hope to God the paths we choose to walk lead us to our lands of promise.

Me, I'll continue to be lead by the dragonfly, for the moves will be erratic, but they will be definitive. I will continue to dream, observe, and experience all that this life allows. So many things in this world make my pulse accelerate and my eyes tear, that I often fear I can't take it all in. I won't be able to do it all justice. But those of us that smile at the streak of sunlight creeping above the mountains, or endlessly search for that fabled green flash of the setting day, we will continue to live, and we will continue to thrive. Keep on fighting, keep on loving, keep on creating...keep on being as fucking crazy as you can possibly imagine, just do it with everything you have...because the sounds of the clock only gets louder.

We are the kings and queens of promise...

Will I cry or conquer the world? In time, I'm planning on doing both...a few times over, actually.