About this blog

This page was set up to be interactive. I want to get a feel for people's views and opinions, so please do not hold back. Just let it rip, because you know I will. My goal is to have this page become a community of intelligent and passionate thoughts. We all have experiences in our day to day that shape our minds and our lives. Let it all out here, and leave it here. If you continue to post strong comments, and make impressions, I will give you direct posting privileges.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

WTF of the Week...

I mean what the hell? How can gas continue to rise and rise and rise?

Round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows...

Seriously, I am wondering the point to all of this, because how the hell can the average American afford to fill up their vehicle? More impressive is the fact that all the illegals are affording the gas as well - cuz the freeways are no less congested. The dems want a way to reduce vehicle emissions, well having gas approach $5/gallon is one way to accomplish the task.


Back with a Tigger Bounce

After a pretty lengthy hiatus, I have decided to come back with a vengeance! Why you ask? Because my wife sent me a link to the video below, and I urge each and every one of you to watch it. I apologize for my disappearance, but after watching Randy speak, I feel it is my duty to do my part.

Much love